
时间:2023-10-27 15:17:45




  Teachers, students, everybody!

  , a famous American writer Helen Keller said, for over the fate of the people, confidence is the master of the fate, the reason why people "can", because the letter "to" -- -- -- -- -- confidence is the conqueror of people, it against the people, and exists in the hearts of people, everyone is eager for success, strive for success, rather like the holy land, to a distant ways are hard and long, what do you use to overcome timidity so as to achieve a bright future? Psychology think that self-confidence is believe in yourself, is to oneself should do have the determination to win and will, is always hopeful psychological experience for yourself in the future, confidence, is the foundation of success! "I'm confident, I happiness" is the truth.

  Self-confidence, is a bright but not dazzling light, a round without sound when most needed is least heeded, a kind of pride without arrogance attitude, is also a kind of don't complain to the surrounding call to atmosphere, a kind of ignored cavalcades smile, a kind of washing the extreme indifference, a not steep mountains, I am confident, I am happy -- -- -- -- -- even if everyone, there are countless such and such stories, shiny, or not, they are all as reams diary repeatedly before a wrote angry or sad, after a must keep up with the "I believe that tomorrow is not the case," with a smile to sing the song of life, not to complain life gives too much difficulties, in the face of what we need is confidence.

  Confidence, just like a penguin stood looking at the seaside to look forward to the opportunity to come, but the roaring soar like an eagle constantly, believe in yourself will be able to; Confident, not face to master, the future of weeds tis altogether vain to sigh, but bravely forward, way, is to explore; Self-confidence, is not constrained by the fate of the imprison, enabling muppet, at the mercy of fate but to tap its mysterious door, make it opens a new heaven and earth...

  In this world, a week has fallen, not dim the starry night; The flowers wither, the whole barren spring, so if you want to paint a wall, in addition to believe you can bring up the most subtle color, no other things to paint more meaningful; If you want to use the camera to record every flower posture, in addition to believe you can find the flower street all the way, there's no other opportunity to add to the idea of magic and -- -- -- -- -- don't hesitate, like insects when it sound, like the colour of flowers germination, like thousands of unknown story but actually occurred, a painted scroll to dare to live for yourself, will have the end of the skins writing!!!!!

  Finally, each one once, immediately, will face the test of the classmates, please work hard, have been trying to please, proud head proudly say: I'm confident, I am happy!!!!!!


  美国著名作家海伦、凯勒说过,对于凌驾于命运之上的人来说,信心是命运的主宰,人之所以“能”,是因为信“能”-----信心是人的征服者,它战胜了人,又存在于人的心中,每个人都渴望成功,为成功而拼搏,就像前往一个遥远的圣地,道路艰难且漫长,你 用什么去战胜胆怯从而达到光明的`未来?心理学认为:自信就是自己相信自己,就是对自己应该做的事情有必胜的决心和意志,就是对自己未来永远充满希望的心理体验,自信,是成功的基石!“我自信,我快乐”即是真理。

  自信,是一种明亮而不刺眼的光辉,一种圆润而不逆耳的声响,一种骄傲而不自负的姿态,也是一种不向周围申诉求告的大气,一种理会哄闹的微笑,一种洗刷了偏激的淡漠,一种并不陡峭的高山,我自信,我快乐-----即使每个人的背后都有无数这样那样的故事,光鲜,或者不堪的,他们都像一摞摞日记本里反复强调的那样,前一句写了愤 或忧伤,后一句一定要跟上“我相信明天不是这样”,微笑着去唱生活的歌谣,不去埋怨生活给予的太多坎坷,我们需要的是自信面对。




