
时间:2023-10-27 15:18:07




  To respect love is support the Chinese traditional morals. Historically, from celebrities embodies the virtue.

  's "care for the elderly, and people to that of our children, and of the young people". This sentence is embodies the respect love the traditional virtues of support. There are many things in life to respect love, support, and I said a few things to reflect respect love virtue of support. Speak of the matter, have to push the time when I read the fourth grade. At that time, was one afternoon, my classmates and I walk on the road, suddenly, saw an old woman, while carrying a cabbage change get crutches walked gingerly, suddenly foot slipped, and fell on the road, fortunately fell on the sidewalk, otherwise, the consequence is unimaginable. My classmates and I ran past, the old woman pulled up, still use to bring your own water put the shower clean dish. Thanks grandma has been with us, we say: "you're welcome, should be." I was flattered and my classmate, thought: "we want to help the old man more later. One more thing to you.

  Time was in grade four. At that time we have a holiday. On one occasion, I go out running, ran ran to see an old man walk with crutches, I picked up the trash in the underground. Quickly pick up the, he saw a little girl to buy just the Popsicle pocket is thrown in the ground. This is, there are a lot of people stare at the little girl, and she like all right to eat while singing. See here, I was very angry, ran took the little girl's hand and told him the truth, he ran to throw the underground pocket picked into the trash can. The old man said: "thanks." Many people looked at me with praise.

  I suddenly had a sense of accomplishment and pride. Though the above two things is small, but we Chinese people are reflected on the old man's care, care, isn't that what it means love a good example of a support? I think that must be more and the old man communication, communication, want to let the old man has a kind of happiness. To respect love and support from the side with, starts from now, starts from me.



  “ 老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼”。这句话正是体现了敬老爱老的传统美德。生活上有很多事情的体现在敬老爱老,下面,我就说几件事来体现敬老爱老的美德。 说起这件事,还得把时间推到我读四年级的时候。那时,是一个下午,我和同学走在路上,忽然,看见不远处有一位老奶奶,一边提着白菜一变再拿着拐杖小心翼翼的走着,突然脚一滑,摔在路上,幸亏摔在的是人行道,要不然,后果不堪设想。我和我的同学赶紧跑过去,把老奶奶拉了起来,还用自己带的水把那些把菜的淋干净。老奶奶一直跟我们道谢,我们说:“不用谢,应该的。”当时我和我的同学心里美滋滋的,心想:“以后我们要多帮助这些老人”。再说一件事给你们听。


  我突然有了成就感、自豪感。上面的两件事虽然的是小事,但都是体现了我们中华儿女对老人的关心、照顾,这不正是敬老爱老的好例子吗?我觉得,必须多和老人沟通、交流,要让老人有一种幸福感。 敬老爱老,从身边做起,从现在做起,从我做起。


  The double ninth festival, also known as advocates. My mother and I together back to grandma's house, and grandma together chongyang, to express my respect for my grandma, thanks!

  Autumn, cloudless, mother ride trams, we walked on the way home. The pedestrians on the road a lot, may be in a hurry to go home to visit the old man.

  As soon as I walked into my grandma's house loudly shout: "grandma, I'm coming." The grandmother is the roof taking corn, the pleased to reply. I quickly climbed the ladder on the roof, see grandma. Although the in the mind still a little shy, a little shy, but give yourself come on, or speak loudly to grandma's first gift -- ZhuLaoLao festival happiness!

  Grandmother cooking for me every day, sometimes the waist aches very much. The thought of these, I immediately give grandmother beat up the back. You see, my grandma that is happily from ear to ear, kind of kua I understand.

  Because of my naughty, accidentally get pants fork, busy grandmother wear presbyopic glasses, help me to sew up. I hurried over and gently to grandmother beat his back asked: "well, grandma." "That certainly comfortable, especially an Liang Xiao lamented back more comfortable." My grandma looks very satisfied answer.

  Eat a meal, I help grandma to brush up the bowl. I very seriously, brush, brush the also asked maternal grandmother: "I brush clean?" Grandmother favour if happily say: "brush clean, really clean, than grandma brush clean." Heard the grandmother's praise, I brush and more motivated.

  What a surprise, only a wish, a back rubs, brush a bowl, let grandma is pleased to have been happy. Really should be for my grandma, for the old man, do for elders can do more things. Self-evaluation: I didn't think the double ninth festival and grandma together, so happy, because my grandma happy! Only use this article to remember chongyang, let all the old man happy life!!!!!









