写中秋节的英语作文Middle-Autumn Festival

时间:2023-11-07 22:17:23
写中秋节的英语作文Middle-Autumn Festival



Night, very quiet, like tracts of the full moon in the cloud, faint moonlight to the earth. Whenever the Mid-Autumn night, the children will be carrying a lantern, playing happily.

We are no exception, carrying lanterns and candles to run to tiantai. Rooftop, the bright moonlight shone on the kids happy face, appear very lovely. We are sitting on the bench, enjoying the beautiful moonlight, taste the delicious moon cakes, very happy. At this time, a little girl came along, sitting on the bench, a record of this happy occasion. Gentle moon light in the little girl that tranquil face, looks very beautiful. As we are happy, the breeze is blowing, blowing out the light. They had to light a candle.

The night is getting dark down, people's laughter broke the quiet night. Blinked naughtily stars in the sky, the moon zheng big eyes, kindly looking at the green grass, is very much like a polished silver plate. , ZhongXingPengYue scenery beautiful, much like mother and the children a story, children in listening to god.

The moon is increasing, wearing a white gauze clothing, wanxian and serene, gentle and generous. She the face like a silver plate through the treetops, gentle smile. How beautiful the Mid-Autumn night, left a deep impression in my childhood.






The long-awaited Mid-Autumn festival had finally arrived. In the evening, father, mother and I, in the courtyard, waiting for the emergence of the "moon girl". After a while, I saw the moon like a shy girl, shyly out from behind a cloud half a little head, secretly spy on down, found that there is no movement, a pinched, appeared in the sky hung like a bright light, the surrounding scenery were plated on a layer of silver moonlight. But it didn't take long, "moon girl" in a piece of dark clouds surrounded by subduction. How disappointing! We are waiting for the "moon girl" again.

"Moon girl seems to understand our mood, quietly up to the sky. "The moon came out again, the moon came out again"! I'm cheering. It is so round, so high, so bright, like a glowing disk, hung in the quiet of the sky. The bright moonlight so soft, so bright, like a silver woven transparent nets, filled the atmosphere of joy.

Deep blue sky hung lamp as the moon, according to the bright, for everything is covered with a layer of silver yarn. Family came to the house, but I'm also thinking quietly in the yard...

盼望已久的中秋终于到来了。晚上,我和爸爸、妈妈,在院子里,等待着“月亮姑娘”的出现。 过了一会儿,只见月亮像一位害羞的姑娘,羞答答地从一片乌云背后伸出半个小脑袋,偷偷地向下窥探,发现没有什么动静,一扭身,出现在天空中就像挂着一盏明亮的灯,周围景色都被镀上一层银白色的月光。可过没多久,“月亮姑娘”在一片乌云的簇拥下隐没了。多扫兴啊!我们焦急地等待着“月亮姑娘”再一次出现。



《写中秋节的英语作文Middle-Autumn Festival.doc》
